Hi there! I'm Tom.

I'm a social scientist embedded in the tech world. I appreciate you stopping by and hope you find something of interest.

This blog is a causal and occasional collection of ideas and reflections. You can find the codebase for this Jekyll blog setup at the repo site. I've enjoyed learning Jekyll reasonably well but find it still a bit too imperative for most theming and tweaking, hence the very basic and simple theme.

I have found over time that people tend to view things mentioned on the Internet as endorsing the mention. This is not the case on this blog. As with all these personal blogs, these are my thoughts. They are my own and not those of my employer, my clients, or my friends.

Finally, while I once fancied myself an interesting writer, I've found that I'm not all that great. I'm a much better speaker, presenter, discussant, and communicator, but here we are so lets give it the college try.